NVSD Events
Standing Committee Meeting – September 19*
A Board of Education Standing Committee Meeting takes place on Tuesday, September 19 at 7 p.m. Visit our
Public Meetings web page for information on how you can participate and to review the meeting agenda, which is posted on the Thursday afternoon preceding the public meeting.
The Art of Conversation opening reception – September 23
The Gordon Smith Gallery and Artists for Kids invite you to the opening of The Art of Conversation on Saturday, September 23, 2 to 4 p.m. The exhibition features artwork by over 20 Canadian artists who explore the role of art as a platform for communication. The Art of Conversation draws conventional threads between the works in the gallery and highlights arts’ potential to facilitate and provoke dialogue. The perspectives and artistic conversations of elementary and secondary school students will be featured through original writing and art. Visit Artists for Kids for more information.
Public Board Meeting – September 26*
A Board of Education Public Board Meeting takes place on Tuesday, September 26 at 6:30 p.m. Visit our Public Meetings web page for information on how you can participate and to review the meeting agenda and board package (the latter is posted on the Thursday afternoon preceding the public meeting).
*The dates for the Standing Committee Meeting and Public Board Meeting were updated on Friday, September 8, 2023. Initially, the Standing Committee Meeting was set for September 26 and the Public Board Meeting for September 19.
Kindergarten Information Session – October 11
of children who will enter Kindergarten in September 2024 (children
born in 2019) are invited to learn more about the school district,
and the registration process. The information session will take place
on Wednesday, October 11, starting at 7 p.m., at Argyle Secondary School
(1131 Frederick Road). While you do not need to RSVP to attend, by
RSVP’ing, you will receive a reminder leading up to the session.
NVSD Registrations
AFK After School Art – Registration opens September 19
Taught by art specialist teachers and assisted by secondary art students, Artists for Kids’ After School Art classes provide students the opportunity to further their artistic ability and foster positive attitudes towards the visual arts. Registration for fall classes opens September 19 at noon. Visit Artists for Kids for more information and to register.
Elementary Band and Strings – Late Registration ends September 29
Elementary Band and Strings is a unique instrumental music program that complements the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Arts Education curriculum and provides school-based instrumental instruction to students in Grades 5 – 7 for Band and Grades 4 – 7 for Strings. Visit
Elementary Band and Strings for information, including program fees.
2024/25 Kindergarten – Registration begins October 12
Registration for priority placement for 2024/25 Kindergarten (children born in 2019) begins on Thursday, October 12, and continues until Friday, December 15. Information regarding the registration process will be soon available on the
Kindergarten Registration web page.
Academies – Registration ongoing
Applications continue to be accepted for many NVSD Academies. There are limited spaces remaining for Field Hockey, the Business and Gaming Entrepreneurship Lab, and others. Information about our Academy program offerings is available on our
Academies web page. For an application form, email
North Vancouver Online Learning – Online registration open
NVOL provides engaging, accessible and interactive learning experiences for students. Students can enrol any time during the school year and have one calendar year to complete their course. Students can also choose to engage in their NVOL courses entirely remotely online or in a blended model of online and in-person interactions at our NVOL Centre.
Visit the NVOL website to see
our full suite of courses from Grades 8 through 12 in both English and French. The French Immersion online course offerings allow students the opportunity to meet the requirements of their Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires en Colombie-Britannique online through L' École Virtuelle de Vancouver nord.
NVOL is a Provincial Online Learning School.
Additional Information and Opportunities
CNV Youth Grants – Apply by September 24
The City of North Vancouver is accepting applications from local non-profits, community groups and agencies that support youth, in order to assist in funding youth focused projects and events. The City also has funding for local youth with ideas for events, projects or clubs. Applications will be accepted until Sunday, September 24. Learn more by visiting the City’s
Children & Youth Initiatives Fund web page.
School district permission forms
Each year, we ask parents/guardians to complete certain school district permission forms online using the
SchoolCash Online system. You should have already received an email with information on how to complete the following forms:
Impromptu Walking Field Trip Informed Consent
Personal Information Consent for School District Publications
Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement
Please complete these forms online and ideally, before the end of this first week of school. All other permission forms are paper based, and you will receive them directly from your child’s school. Should you have any questions about form completion, please contact your child’s school.
Settlement Workers in Schools
To assist newcomer students and their families settle into their school and community, the school district, in partnership with Impact North Shore, has a school-based outreach program, Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS). Learn more about the program by visiting our
Settlement Workers in Schools web page.