On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, two sections of the roof in the permanently closed, unoccupied areas of Lucas Centre experienced localized failuresβ. Out of an abundance of caution, construction fencing was installed on site. After-hours security patrol was implemented as an additional safety measures while the North Vancouver School District develops plans to partially demolish the impacted sections of Lucas Centre. β
The School District has engaged an architect, structural and mechanical engineering consultants, and a demolition contractor to assess the failed sections of the building and develop a plan for the partial demolition of the areas that have experienced structural failure. There are currently no future development plans for this site.
FAQ: β
What is the current status of the School District's submission to the Ministry of Education and Child Care to fund the partial demolition of the permanently closed sections of Lucas Centre?
A request to the Ministry of Education and Child Care (MOECC) to fund the demolition project was submitted as part of the School District's 2024/25 Major capital plan submission (reference the June 20, 2023 Board package page 15). In March 2024, the School District received a capital plan response letter from the MOECC and the Lucas Centre partial demolition request was not a supported project.
Why has construction fencing been placed around sections of Lucas Centre?
Two roof sections in the permanently closed, unoccupied areas of Lucas Centre experienced localized failures. Out of an abundance of caution, construction fencing was installed, and an on-site and after-hours security patrol was implemented as additional safety measures while the School District develops plans to partially demolish the impacted section of Lucas Centre.
What are the next steps?
The School District has engaged an architect, structural and mechanical engineering consultants, and a demolition contractor to assess the failed sections of the building and quickly develop a plan for the partial demolition of the areas that have experienced structural failure.
The School District has also reached out to the City of North Vancouver regarding the permitting requirements.
What is the timing for the development of the plan and demolition work?
We expect to have a project plan completed by mid-July, 2024, and anticipate that work could take up to three months, depending on permits and resource availability.
What will remain after the partial demolition?
The viable portion of Lucas Centre that serves as the School District's Maintenance Operation Centre will be retained and continue to operate in the same manner.
Will this demolition work impact the future plans for the Lucas Centre site?
There are currently no future development plans for this site. Lucas Centre is a large and well-located property suitable for many potential future uses, including accommodating anticipated growth in enrolment arising from current and planned residential developments comprising the comprehensive redevelopment of Capilano Mall. This site provides strong potential to address future school needs while accommodating modern purpose-built facilities for the School District's maintenance functions. β
More historical updates can be found at: Lucas Centre / Leo Marshall Curriculum Centre - North Vancouver School District (sd44.ca)β