North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Title Public information meeting (new elementary school in the Cloverley neighbourhood)
Location Gordon Smith Gallery at the Education Services Centre (2121 Lonsdale Avenue)
Start Time 1/31/2024 6:30 PM
End Time 1/31/2024 8:30 PM

The North Vancouver School District is hosting a public information meeting about the new elementary school that will be built in the Cloverley neighbourhood. This will be an opportunity for community members to learn about the project, and for school district staff and consultants engaged in the project to address questions, including those related to site location, traffic, trees, and green space. For updates on the project, visit the Capital Plan & Projects web page. (Note: The change in date/location from January 17, 2024, was due to a district-wide school closure due to snow.)

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