By Jeeniece Chand, District Principal
North Vancouver School District’s Ready, Set, Learn events have been a tremendous success! It was wonderful to welcome little ones and their families into our schools as part of the important transition to Kindergarten. These free events, funded by the Ministry of Education and Child Care, are designed for families with children aged 3 to 5 years. They foster positive connections among families, schools, and community partners while encouraging and supporting children’s early language and literacy skills.
The season kicked off with a district-based event at the Education Services Centre, followed by numerous events held at various elementary schools over the past several weeks. The theme for 2024, "Learn, Play, Discover," emphasized the importance of discovery through play for well-being and learning.
StrongStart Educators and Kindergarten teachers collaborated with community partners, including North Shore Community Resources, North Shore Neighbourhood House, Supported Child Development Program, North Vancouver District Library, North Vancouver City Library, Vancouver Coastal Health nurses, and more. Librarians brought stories to life through interactive puppet shows, and hands-on resources were shared to help families access valuable information more easily.

Any initial nervousness quickly dissipated as children felt comfortable in the safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment created by the educators. They explored literacy through play and inquiry in alignment with the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s BC Early Learning Framework. Children engaged with natural manipulatives to practice their literacy and numeracy skills and participated in art-based and physical activities. The events also highlighted the importance of social-emotional learning, mental health and well-being, and physical health through collaborative partnerships with various departments within the NVSD, including Inclusive Education, Safe and Healthy Schools, Indigenous Education, Arts Education, Artist for Kids, and more.

Each child received a tote bag full of resources to help families prepare for the upcoming transition to Kindergarten. Many left with smiles on their faces, eager to begin packing their bags for the start of school in the fall.