By Sean Soper, Teacher
The Youth & Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is a global program that provides youth with the opportunity to become involved in learning about and supporting charities in their local community and around the world.
Students in Career & Life Education 10 research, interview, and present on a charity they would like to advocate for. One student group from each Careers 10 class is then selected to go to the finals. At the finals, the winning group receives a $5,000 grant for a charity.
This is the 12th year Argyle’s Grade 10 students have participated in this empowering and inspiring program. For 2023, Owen Gill was awarded the $5,000 grant, which will go toward supporting Family Services of the North Shore.
Owen’s efforts have contributed to Argyle reaching a new milestone: $60,000 has been raised throughout the years for local charities through the Youth & Philanthropy Initiative!
A special thanks to the judging panel that consisted of Argyle Principal Kim Jonat, Superintendent Dr. Pius Ryan, District of North Vancouver Mayor Mike Little, and several student council members.
Click HERE for highlights of this year’s YPI final, including a list of organizations that have benefited from this initiative.