Please check the Music Performance and Events Calendar for the latest updates.
Hello Music Parents
Welcome to the new school year! We look forward to a great year in the Music Department at Handsworth Secondary.
Here is some information to help you navigate the music program.
HMPA is the organization for parents of students in the Handsworth Band and Strings programs. It operates under the umbrella of the Handsworth Parent Advisory Council (HPAC) and its aims are:
- To strengthen the Handsworth music program through education and fundraising activities
- In collaboration with the music teachers, to organize performances and tours that showcase the students' work
- To communicate with Handsworth families, staff, and the community on activities of the music program
We have a dynamic team of parent volunteers, but are always looking for more help. Parent involvement is what makes our music program so outstanding.
How can I get involved?
Our band teacher is Mr. David Bradshaw. Mr. Bradshaw teaches all of our concert bands, jazz bands and the Handsworth Choir. Our strings teacher is Mr. Sab Kabok. Mr. Kabok teaches all of the Handsworth strings ensembles and also teaches in a number of elementary schools in the Handsworth family of schools.
Contact information:
David Bradshaw
Sab Kabok
have a variety of concerts throughout the year. Our concerts in the
fall and spring are spread over three nights with each group playing on
one of the three nights. Our big fundraising concert of the year, Sweet
Music, is held in early December and is the only concert in which all
of our groups perform. In February/March, we have a series of concerts
where each type of group (Concert bands, Strings and Jazz bands) has its
own concert. In total, you can expect your student to participate in 4
major school concerts each year. All students are expected to attend every concert where they are scheduled to play. Please
see the Handsworth Music Concert Calendar which is on the Handsworth
website (Parents section – Handsworth Music Parents Association).
Concerts are held at the school or at local venues. For most concerts, entry is by donation.
our concerts, parents help out in a variety of ways – greeting guests,
donating baking for the refreshment table, helping with student
supervision etc. Once again we are going to use SignUpGenius to assist us with concert organization.
groups will participate in at least one festival over the course of the
year. Some groups go on a weekend trip, others do not. It varies from
year to year. There is a major trip alternating years for senior
students. During the 2023-2024 Spring Break our senior students travelled to Portugal and Spain.
Concert Attire
student will receive a vest from the school as part of their uniform. Students are expected to take care of their vest and return it at the
end of the year.
Each student is required to provide
their own pair of black dress pants, black dress socks (long enough that
no skin shows when the student is sitting down) and black dress shoes. Students are also required to provide a long-sleeved dress shirt with a collar and cuffs. For the junior groups, this shirt is white and for Senior Winds, Senior Jazz and Chamber Strings, the shirt is black. The goal is a uniform, professional look for all groups.
Handsworth Music Parents - Annual General Meeting TBD
All Handsworth Music Parents Welcome!
Handsworth Music Parents - please join us for our annual general meeting (AGM).
This is a great opportunity to learn about the music program and to meet some other music parents.
To learn more about the Handsworth music program and current volunteer opportunities, please contact Mr. David Bradshaw at or Mr. Sab Kabok at
The HMPA exists to help support the music program through volunteering, raising money and participating actively in the music program. We meet about five times per year, usually on a Monday evening. As a parent of a music student, you are automatically a member of the HMPA. Even if you don't have a lot of time, helping out at concert or taking on one responsibility makes a big difference.
do several types of fundraising to support the music program. Our most
profitable fundraising events are our semi-annual bottle drives (more information below). We
collect bottles and other refundable containers from the neighbourhood
and turn them into money. Bottle drives are held in October and April.
All students are expected to participate for part of the day. Parents
are also needed to help out during the day, especially with driving the
routes and collecting the bottles.
We also have our Sweet
Music fundraising concert where we have a popular bake sale, raffle,
50/50 draw and other fundraising opportunities.
raised are used to support the music program in several ways, including
purchasing large, hard-to-rent instruments, music stands, traveling
cases and uniforms etc.
Music Bottle Drive
Support your Handsworth Music Programs by donating your refundable bottles and cans to our Bottle Drive. Please remember that Handsworth Music has a Return It Express account which allows you to donate bottles throughout the year. With Return It Express, you can bring your bottles down to any Return It Express location ( in a clear bag. Print out a sticker at the kiosk using the Handsworth School number: 604-903-3600. Stick the sticker on the bag and leave it in the Return It Express area, and they will credit the Handsworth Music account. There is no sorting required. See video
For more information, please contact