École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Grad Banquet

​​​​​​​​​​Graduation 2024 Dinner and Dance Banquet

​Date:              Friday, June 14, 2024      6:00 - 11:00 pm​

Location:       Westin Bayshore, 1601 Bayshore Dr., Vancouver, BC V6G 2V4

​​School sanctioned event organized by staff and our student Grad Council.

​​​​Grad 2024 Information posted May 27, 2024
1.  Banquet Tables
    • The tables are typed out on a spreadsheet. 
    • Please come to Room 2021 THIS WEEK and check off your name​ (week of May 27 to 30)
    • Put a checkmark beside your name once you have checked 3 things:
      • correct spelling of names
      • correct people are sitting at your table
      • your parents are accounted for, if they're attending the banquet
      • table number is noted and will be remembered to minimize any confusion on the banquet night.

​​​​​2​.  Life- Threatening Allergies
    • ​​​If you or any member of your family/guests have allergies that are life-threatening (eg: celiac or severe nut allergy) please message Ms. Frith with: 
    • First and Last Name + Table Number.  
    • The Westin will provide you with your own meal and place setting. 
Vegetarians, pescatarians and gluten free do NOT need to notify me. There are options in the buffet dinner.

3.  Grad Breakfast and Rehearsal is on Wednesday, June 5 at 7:30 am
Breakfast is provided (prepared by Grad parents at no cost to grads)
    • Please PICK UP YOUR GOWNS: 7:45 - 8:15 am outside the main office.  
    • Do NOT forget this as gowns will not be handed out on the day of the ceremony.  We will have packed everything up by then.  
Any questions?  Please email Ms. Frith sfrith@sd44.ca

Graduation Banquet 

This event is for grads and is open to their family and guests. Tickets are $150 each and can be purchased through School Cash Online. Please note that this is a dry event for all guests (grads, parents and guests). There is no alcohol permitted prior to arrival or during this event and there are no in and out privileges or refunds for those not granted entry or asked to leave due to alcohol or substance use. As a school event, all Handsworth Code of Conduct expectations apply. ​

​Graduates and guests - you must be a ticket $150 for the banquet to attend via School Cash On-Line​ ​​

Tickets Sales close May 10
IF you wish to have a table of 12, you must hand in your form and proof of payment to Ms. Frith by Wednesday, May 8 15:00
There will be a LOTTERY for tables of 12 as there are only 10 tables of 12.
All other students who wish for a table of 11 people or less, you sign up in Room 2021 at Lunchtime between May 21-24.  Proof of purchase and forms are required.  First come, first serve

Any questions regarding the banquet can be directed to Ms. Frith at sfrith@sd44.ca.