Service is an integral component of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. It is the service volunteered by an individual to an organization for the benefit of the community. Starting within the classroom and extending beyond it, Service as Action aims to encourage responsible, caring participation in the local community and in the wider world.
Our emphasis is on examining our roles as citizens in our local and global community; instilling a sense of personal responsibility with others and within ourselves; and developing the skills and attitudes needed to make a positive contribution to society. By volunteering, students gain a variety of important experiences and knowledge.
They gain a sense of responsibility to their community, learn that one person can make a difference, learn the benefit of sacrificing time to help others, tolerance and understanding of the different members of our community, and finally, they gain important job skills and experience. To find out more about the MYP Service requirements, click on the following link:
Students, log your Service as Action hours & learn of some volunteer opportunities