Upper Lynn Elementary
North Vancouver School District
News Item

Upper Lynn is Green

October 29, 2023

Food2.jpgUpper Lynn is supporting a variety of Zero Waste Initiatives. Programs like Pack it Back, Zero Garbage Lunches, and Waste Diversion focus on using less and recycling more.

School Initiatives

Pack In - Pack Out– Bring your lunch packaging home from school, from a fast-food store or from the mall. If there is nowhere to recycle where you are, pack your recyclables back home.

Zero Garbage Lunch - The best solution of all is to work at home to build garbage-free lunches.

Containers that can be used and reused ensure that we are not creating single-serving garbage.

Recycling – Waste diversion stations are located around the school. Each station contains a section for mixed containers, food scraps, and garbage. Throughout the school there are numerous bins for paper recycling.
