Upper Lynn Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Code of Conduct


Upper Lynn Elementary School Code of Conduct


Upper Lynn Mission Statement:

The Upper Lynn School Community supports all students in realizing their full potential in an environment that promotes healthy, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth.  The Code of The Bear is an understanding that allows us to work together in a safe and caring environment.


At Upper Lynn we are:


Safe                       We care for the safety of ourselves and others.

Respectful           We treat everyone with courtesy, kindness, and consideration.

Responsible       We are responsible for our learning and actions.



The Code focuses on ensuring the school is a safe, caring, and orderly environment. These fundamental obligations are intended to ensure that students learn in a safe environment free from threats to their physical and emotional welfare, and that the time for teaching and learning is optimized, and to maintain appropriate balances between individual and collective rights, responsibilities and freedoms. This Code of Conduct was developed in relation to the School Act (Sections 6, 10, 85, 91), the School Act Regulations, and the District of North Vancouver's Policy 302 on Student Conduct. Students at Upper Lynn Elementary are expected to meet the standards set out in the BC Human Rights Code, sections 7 and 8 that include the prohibited grounds of discrimination, behaviours that discriminate against a person or class of person by publishing or displaying a statement, publication, notice, sign, symbol emblem or other representation that indicates discrimination because of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age of that person or that group or class of persons. or age of that person or that group or class of persons. Anti-bullying measures will ensure all students, regardless of their sex, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, enjoy a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environment. This Code of Conduct is reviewed annually with parents, students, and staff.  Our Code of Conduct is also reviewed within the Argyle Family of Schools.


Expectations regarding acceptable conduct are made known to all students, parents and school staff, as well as to temporary staff or visitors. The School Code of Conduct will apply to students while at school (including before and after school), while going to and from school, and while attending school curricular or extra-curricular functions or activities at any location.


Behavioural expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct are consistently taught and actively promoted. It is the intent of this Code of Conduct to encourage and reinforce positive behaviour.  It is expected that students follow the Upper Lynn Code of Conduct and that school administration, staff, and parents work together to support learning and a positive school climate. 


1.       Safety

All students and staff have the right to a safe school environment. For example, students are expected to:

  • behave in a safe manner. (Play without harming or threatening others.)
  • inform a staff member, in a timely manner of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation.
  • remain on the school grounds, in the designated areas, at recess and lunch.
  • provide written permission from a parent/guardian to leave the school grounds during the school day; sign out at the office before leaving.
  • use playground equipment safely and as designed.
  • walk any wheeled form of transportation on school grounds.


2.       Respect

All students and staff have a right to be respected. For example, students are expected to:

  • demonstrate empathy towards others; be considerate of everyone's feelings.
  • speak politely and use positive language.
  • listen to the ideas and opinions of others.
  • behave in a non-disruptive manner.
  • follow staff directions co-operatively.
  • come to school dressed appropriately; hats and hoods are not to be worn in class.
  • care for the property and privacy of others.
  • keep cell phones off and in backpacks during the school day.
  • care for the school and community environment.

    Every act of physical, verbal, emotional, or psychological abuse is not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to, fighting, bullying, profanity, belittling, name-calling, intimidating, stealing, threatening, retribution for reporting and damaging property.  Failure to respect the authority of Upper Lynn Staff Members is also unacceptable.


3.       Responsibility

All students have a right to learn. For example, students are expected to:

  • be on time.
  • be attentive, ready to work and engage in purposeful learning.
  • complete school and home assignments to the best of their ability.
  • use problem-solving skills to settle differences and seek help from an adult when needed.
  • eat lunch in own classroom, seated at own desk and using manners appropriate to a public space.
  • support others and be positive role models.
  • be accountable for personal property.
  • increase personal responsibility and self-discipline as they become older and move through successive grades.
  • act in a manner that brings credit to the school.

    Personal toys, cards, electronics, etc. are to be left at home. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to, inappropriate clothing, knives, fireworks, items which are weapon like or intended to be used as a weapon (including toy knives and guns). Inappropriate items will be confiscated.  A meeting with the parents, administrator, and RCMP will take place.  A Serious Incident Report will be filed with the North Vancouver School District.


    Strategies and Consequences

    The staff will recognize students who consistently display appropriate conduct.  Students will be taught and encouraged to use proactive and appropriate decision-making and social skills.  When appropriate, students are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations of the Code of Conduct. Consequences shall be based on the student's age, maturity, and special needs, if any.  School administrators have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct; e.g., parents, school district officials, police and/or other agencies. Should intervention be required to help students follow the Code of Conduct, the following progressive and logical consequences may be applied.

    Level 1

    For behaviours that are minor violations of the Code of Conduct, a staff member will speak directly to the student.  The following consequences may be used to encourage more positive behaviour:
  • Reminder/informal discussion
  • Use of problem solving techniques
  • Verbal or written warning
  • Contact with parents/guardian by the classroom teacher
  • Separation from peers
  • Written or verbal apology
  • Restitution for damage

    Level 2

    For behaviours that are repeated or are more serious, a staff member will speak directly to the student. The following consequences may be used to encourage more positive behaviour:
  • Any consequences from Level 1
  • Directly supervised recess/lunchtime activity
  • Contact with parents/guardian by the teacher and/or administration
  • Creation of behaviour contract or plan
  • Removal from the classroom/situation

    Level 3

    For incidents of a more serious nature, students will be referred to an administrator.  The nature and severity of the infraction, the intent behind the infraction and the frequency of the infraction will be considered when determining the level of consequence.  It should also be noted that all disciplinary decisions are made in consideration of individual circumstances.  The following consequences may be used to encourage more positive behaviour:
  • Any consequences from Level 1 and/or Level 2
  • Referral to counsellor
  • Administration involved in discussion/planning consequences
  • Official written documentation of the incident
  • Lunchtime suspensions
  • In school suspensions

    Level 4

    In accordance with the School Act, the North Vancouver School Board of Education authorizes the principal to suspend a student.  Students may be suspended because their behaviour has a harmful effect on the character or persons of other students, e.g. physical fighting; or because of vandalism to the school, student or staff property.  The Parent /Guardian will be asked to return with their child to meet with the principal and make a commitment to improve behaviour.  Some of the consequences from Level 3 may apply. Please note that if there is a violation of a very serious nature, suspension will be immediate.  Parents will be contacted by phone and letter.


    It is hoped that this system will encourage students to monitor their behaviour, know what is expected of them, and strive toward maintaining and/or improving their academic and social skills.

