Welcome to Upper Lynn Elementary!
The Upper Lynn School Community serves to assist each and every student in realizing their full potential in an atmosphere that promotes healthy intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth.
Upper Lynn School is located in upper Lynn Valley, in a medium density residential neighbourhood. The school was built in 1959 on a 2.2 hectare site, with additions and renovations completed in late 2001. The school is located on a north-south sloping site, with the primary (K-3) classrooms, Learning Achievement Centre, Student Services, Library, main administration offices, multipurpose room and gymnasium on the main floor and intermediate (4-7) classrooms, ESL, Computer Lab, and music room located upstairs.
There is a well-established Parent Advisory Committee, that has an Executive (table officers, and Members-at-Large). Through parent-teacher meetings, PAC meetings, open houses, parent assemblies, and newsletters parents indicate their interest in being involved in school activities.
In addition to comprehensive academics, Upper Lynn School places an emphasis on athletics, including an extracurricular ski program for grades 4-7 students at Grouse Mountain, kilometre club, track and field program for students in grades 4-7, tennis program (alternating years), and volleyball and basketball.
We have a strong band program available for Grades 5 - 7, as well as a student choir for those who would like to participate.
Furthermore, we value our student leadership programs that include a Grade seven leadership program, Crossing Guard Program, and Recycling Program. Several classes also participate in a district sponsored Salmonid Enhancement program.
Positive student behaviour at the school is based largely on the principles of Effective Behaviour Support, and is successfully maintained at our school though consistent application, and discussion of our Code of Conduct by all members of the school. Regular and ongoing community based events, such as our annual Spring Carnival, Family Fun Night, Band Performances, Christmas Concerts, and Talent Shows highlight the value placed on school and community interaction.
Tim MacLeod, Principal tmacleod@sd44.ca
Lise Grendel, Vice Principal lgrendel@sd44.ca