Camp Read December 22, 2017

Classrooms across our school enjoyed stories from special guest readers, hot chocolate from our PAC, and getting cozy with our classmates.
Windsor Band Concert

Beginning and Continuing Band showed off their musical talent with Mr. R at the Windsor Band Concert.
Celebrating our Refreshed Stage

Gord Dick (logo designer) and Henry Schooner from NVSD's Aboriginal Education team share songs and the story of our school's logo in front of our refreshed stage. Thanks to all those who contributed to make this possible... we love it!
Seymour Heights Parkgate Tree

Divisions 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, and 13 worked together to make decorations for our PAC sponsored Christmas tree.
Division 3

Division 3 mathematicians exploring our new manipulatives from Seymour Heights PAC!
Division 7

Division 7 scientists working on matter experiments.
Division 9

Mountain landscapes with sparkles and skiiers!
Division 7

Welcoming winter with red birds and paint!
Division 8
Exploring landscapes with Ted Harrison and some pretty cool colouring skills!
Seymour Heights Kids and Staff

After our drumming workshop with Milton, the whole school formed a conga line and danced the afternoon away!
Division 6

Exploring the traditional uses of cedar and learning about natural resources.
Division 4

Reflecting and remembering throught art.
Division 10

Learning with nature inside and outside the classroom!
Seymour Heights Staff
Celebrating the spooky season in style with the teachers and staff!
Division 1, 2, and 3 
We used our communication competency and our creative thinking competency to build pumpkin stands... spooooky STEM!
2016/2017 Learning Stories
Division 9 and 10 Grade One and Two

We visited the Pershick's house and learned about bees and the "bee waggle" dance!
Division 8 Grade 2 and 3

Division 8 at McCartney Park tennis courts practicing our racquet skills.
Ms. Nicholls
Grade 2/3 Teacher
Division 11 Kindergarten

Over the last few weeks we have observed caterpillars (larva) eating and eating and eating. We watched them get bigger and then form a chrysalis. Last week we saw butterflies emerge and we have been discussing our observations.
Today was an exciting day! We released our butterflies. We were very still and calm and the butterflie stayed with us for a few minutes before then flew away.
Ms. McIntyre
Kindergarten Teacher
Division 10 Grade 1

Grade 1's dancing with "Go Noodle!"
Ms. Huxley
Grade One Teacher
Division 8 Grade 2 and 3

Division 8 releasing our butterflies. Over the last few weeks, we have been observing the magical moments of the life cycle as they metamorphosis from the caterpillars into butterflies.
Katie Nicholls
Grade 2/3 Teacher
Division 9 Grade 1 and 2

While learning about money, Division 9 set up a store and took turns in purchasing some items.
Ivana Gondekova
Grade 1/2 Teacher
Division 5 Grade 4

Canadian Scavenger Hunt
Canadian Scavenger Hunt (Social Students and Poetry). Seeking new (and old) facts about our country through a scavenger hunt that featured a poem about each province. Fill in the "code blanks" in booklets.
First Nations Art Symmetry
Learning about Symmetry (math) by using a "Memory" game that introducts different Coast Salish and Northwest Coast art elements (Fine Arts).
Ms. K. Chambers
Grade 4 Teacher
Division 9 Grade 1 and 2

Exploring Nature using five senses.
Ms. Gondekova
Grade 1/2 Teacher
Division 8 Grade 2 and 3

Division 8 constucting 3D shapes from marshmallows and toothpicks for a better understanding of verticies, edges and faces in Math!
Ms. K. Nicholls
Grade 2/3 Teacher
Division 9 & 10 Grade 1 and 2
Drum Dancing with Henry on a sunny day!
Ms. Ivana Gondekova/Mrs. T & Mrs. Huxley
Grade 1/2 Teachers
Division 8 Grade 2 and 3

Division 8 making multiplication arrays using nature. They then went around to
other groups to figure out the multiplication sentence and answer!
Ms. Nicholllsl, Division 8 Teacher

Leading up to Earth Day we have been reading books and having discussions around the question "How can we help earth?" On Friday we were lucky to have grade seven leaders come to our class and lead a discussion about taking care of our planet. This is a picture of ideas that kindergarten students brainstormed.
Each student then chose a template and drew a picture of an idea that they think can help Earth. Each template will then become part of a school wide bulletin board. Thank you grade seven students!

Division 6 and 8 releasing the salmon!
Thanks to Ms. McCartney's class for nuturing the salmon eggs over the last few months.
Ms. McCartney, Division 6 Teacher
Ms. Nicholls, Division 8 Teacher

Ourdoor Education - The grade 5/6 class worked in groups to create a "mini-park" for someone the size of their thumb to visit. They were given a piece of string and allowed to use resources from nature. The students shared their "min-parks", pointing out the highlights and reasons for protecting certain areas.
Ms. Stephanie Hirose
Grade 5/6 Teacher

Sharing our learning with other classes.

Three Students became states of matter, solid, liquid and gas.

A very exciting science experiment showing matter expanding . . . Picture above and below.

Ms. Katie Nicholls
Grade 2/3 Teacher

Grade ones at the Bear Awareness Puppet Show!
Mrs. Huxley
Grade One Teacher

Division 9 learning about the salmon life cycle.
Ms. Gondekova
Grade One/Two Teacher

Ms. Vieweg and Jack - using technology as a tool for learning!
Ms. Zinck
Kindergarten Teacher

Division 8 exploring and taking "mental" pictures of living and non-living things in our Seymour Heights ecosystem.
Ms. Nicholls
Grade 2/3 Teacher
Div 2 students recording their Literature Circle discusions. This is a wonderful way for the teacher to be able to listen to all discussions when there are multiple groups!
Joanna Lane
Grade 6 & 7 Teacher
Grade 1's in Division 10 are working in their journals describing what they are proud of this week!
Mrs. Huxley & Mrs. Theodoropoulus
Grade One Teachers
Shyloh has improved significantly with her reading and is now comfortable reading to others. Shyloh loves reading books! Way to go Shyloh!
Ms. Gondekova
Grade One/Two Teacher
In health education we continue to work with the big idea "Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviors, which helps us build healthy relationships". We have discussed caring behaviors and are using compliments in class.
In each student post, I also included 4 compliments they received from their peers.
The compliments each student has on their heart was from a peer.
Sylvia McIntyre
Kindergarten Teacher