Student Cell Phones - Reminder
Many students carry cell phones and it is a great way for parents to stay in touch with daycare and afterschool activities. Please remember our school rule, which is similar to Windsor High School, that there is no cell phone use at school. If students are found using their cell phones then the phones are taken for safe keeping at the office. Students may pick them up at the end of the day. If a student has a second infraction, the parent can pick the cell phone up at the office. Please do not call or text your child while they are at school. This is very distracting during class. Please call the office and leave a message. Office staff will pass it on to your child.
If a student cannot abide by the rules and is found texting, filming or using their phone at school then the phone will be kept in the office. At elementary school, we have found that mean behaviour has occurred with unsupervised cell phone use. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Dress for the Weather
As the temperatures drops, parents are reminded to ensure their children are suitably dressed for the weather. All recesses and most lunch hours are outside and children require a warm water-resistant coat and appropriate foot wear to stay dry. A change of foot wear and clothing is recommended for the younger students. Also, please put your child's name on the inside tage of their coats, this assists us if a child looses their coat.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found Box located in the upper hallway is brimming with clothes and lost items. Please have a look in the box. All items will be put on display the week before Christmas and the last weeks of June. All unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. Please label your child's clothing in order to avoid the lost and found.
Please Arrive on Time!
Please try and get your child to school by 8:51 (first warning bell). If your child is running late, you can phone the school and leave a message. Also, make sure they report to the office before they go to their classroom. (604) 903-3760.
After School on the Playground
Many families enjoy playing at the front playground and socializing with other parents. Please supervise your children at this time. As it is after school, we do not supervise, however it is in everyone's best interest if all students are safe and happy. If one of our students is not supervised and is acting in an unsafe or mean manner, then please let administration know.
24 hour Crisis Contact Numbers and Online Chats for Parents and Youth
Contact and Crisis phone numbers.pdf