Queensbury Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Student Health

Fifth Disease Information

The school has had a number of suspected Fifth Disease in several of our primary classrooms.  Please see the attached from Coastal Health giving parents information regarding this mild virus.

Fifth Disease.pdf


 Norovirus Information

Please read this important letter from Vancouver Coastal Health regarding Norovirus activity which is making the rounds in our schools.  Please take the time to remind your children to wash hands well with soap and water on a regular basis (before and after lunch, after using the washroom, etc.) 

Norovirus message from Vancouver Coastal Health.pdfNorovirus message from Vancouver Coastal Health.pdf


It is the responsibility of all to ensure a safe environment for staff, students and visitors to our school.  We have a number of classrooms that have students with life-threatening allergies to peanuts, nuts and various fruits such as kiwi.  If your child is in a classroom that is a nut/kiwi free zone, please remember to send only foods that are free of the allergen (I.e. peanuts).  Classrooms are identified with signage and the teacher reminds students on a regular basis.  Students must be reminded not to share food.


Children with severe allergies should be aware of the risks associated with their allergies and should take responsibility for avoiding these risks.  At the beginning of each school year, parents are required to complete forms and to bring any necessary medications (epi-pens) to the office.  Information will be sent home the first week in September.

 If your child requires medication of any kind, including Tylenol, we must have a signed authorization by the parent.  Medication cannot be given without signed permission.  A form is available in the office for this purpose.

Click here to view updated information from Vancouver Coastal Health, including information about emergency medical guidelines, immunizations, and dental resources for school-aged children.  

  • If you have any questions, please contact Vancouver Coastal Health or the public health nurse on-call:  604-983-6700  (811)


A variety of links are available here for your information:


Head Lice                                            What they are and how to deal with them

Dash BC                                              Your "one stop" access point for all healthy schools information

HealthLink BC

North Shore School Health Manual   Vancouver Coastal Health