Carisbrooke Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Policies & Procedures
Throughout the school year we have the opportunity to conduct several assemblies. These assemblies usually take place in the gym and may include all or a portion of the student population. Parents are welcome at all assemblies. There are a number of expectations we have of students before, during and after the assembly. 

Gym Entrance
Students will:
  • ​Move quietly to the designated spot for their class.
  • Wait politely for all students to enter.
Gym Exit
Students will:
  • ​Wait politely for their teacher to signal to them to move to the designated exit.
Assembly Program
Students will:
  • Respond with silence when the speaker indicates readiness to begin  (e.g., waiting at microphone).
  • Practise good listening skills throughout the program.
  • Show appreciation in an acceptable “theatre” manner (not “stadium” manner).
  • Speak slowly and clearly if given an opportunity to speak or ask questions.

Regular attendance and punctuality for all classes is essential for effective learning. Attendance is taken at 8:55 a.m. and 12:55 p.m. each day. If a student is late they must report to the office and fill out a late slip before they go to their classroom. If your son/daughter is going to be absent from school please call the student absentee call back number at 604-903-3382. If your child is absent and the school has not heard from you, office staff will contact you at home or at work shortly after your child’s absence has been noted.

If families arrange for students to be absent for family holidays (or other non-medical reasons), the school and the teaching staff should not be expected to make special arrangements for missed work and tests. The responsibility for the decision to take a student out of school is that of the parent. The classroom teacher should be contacted to develop a plan to make up for the missed work.

Combined Classes /“Split” Classes
All elementary schools in British Columbia are likely to have combined classes for three reasons: the first reason is to equalize class sizes, the second, is to satisfy the limitations imposed by staffing entitlements, and the third reason is to optimize instructional/social groupings.

Sometimes parents feel that students in combined classes are at a disadvantage, or they will not receive the regular program for the child’s grade.  In fact, whether in a straight or combined class, students will receive the program prescribed by the government for their grade level.  In addition, studies have shown that there are considerable merits to combined classes.

A number of research studies have been done measuring not only the academic achievement of students in combined classrooms, but also the study habits, self-confidence, and cooperation of students.  These studies indicate that students in combined classrooms performed as well as, or outperform those in single grade classrooms for academic achievement.  As well, students in combined classes consistently outperformed those in single grade classes in study habits, self-motivation, social interaction, self-confidence and cooperation. It is quite likely that your child will experience one or more combined class placements during the elementary school years.

Carisbrooke School also has a website: with an up-to-date calendar, newsletters, copy of past, and school highlights.  In addition, individual teachers may periodically send home a newsletter related to events happening in their classroom.

Complaints, questions, or expressions of concern from students and parents shall be dealt with in a manner which reflects mutual respect and fair process, and administrative procedures for dealing with such situations should ensure that:
Complaints are handled as near the source as possible.
Complaints are investigated and resolved expeditiously. 
Complaints are dealt with in a courteous and constructive manner. 
Personnel against whom complaints are made have an opportunity to respond.
This courteous and just approach is encouraged at Carisbrooke.  Many complaints arise through misunderstanding or lack of communication.  Please ensure that the message you or your child received was in fact the message sent by the person in question. A formal policy dealing with complaints is laid out in School District Policy 406 Complaints Concerning Personnel, Programs or Procedures. Copies of this policy are available on the school district’s web site,

Consequences for Misbehaviour
Consequences for misbehaviour will be logical and suit the misbehaviour as far as possible. Minor infractions of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with by the supervising teacher or teacher aide and the classroom teacher will be informed if necessary. Blue slips are used as a way of tracking behaviour and informing the classroom teacher of a student who has misbehaved. Major infractions will be dealt with by the classroom teacher in consultation with the supervising teacher or aide, the Principal or Vice Principal and the parent. Possible consequences include: verbal intervention, positive practice, time out (inside or outside), written assignments, service duty, walking with supervisors, problem solving conferences, problem solving plans sent home, telephone call to parents, loss of privileges (e.g., lunch at school, assemblies, field trips, team events), parent conferences, in-house suspension or formal suspension (letter in permanent file, re-entry conference with student and parent required).

Emergency Procedures
Accident Procedures
Basic first aid will be administered by school staff. In the event immediate medical attention is required, the school office staff will contact the parent/guardian and establish a plan of action. In the case of a serious accident when a parent/guardian cannot be contacted, the school will take the necessary actions to ensure the safety of the student.

It is very important that changes in home phone numbers, emergency numbers or family doctor’s be reported immediately to the school secretary.

If it is necessary to send a student home, the following procedures shall be followed:
Depending on the degree and nature of the accident:
  • ​the student will be sent or taken to the school office
  • a member of the school office staff will then contact the parent or guardian to arrange pick up for the child or to ask for further instructions, should the accident warrant it. 

North Shore Hazards
A number of hazards may create emergency or disaster situations on the North Shore and affect our school. These could include: earthquakes, fires, floods, release of hazardous materials, winter storms, bomb threats, etc. In the event of a large scale natural disaster, the staff of Carisbrooke will follow the emergency plan as developed by the Emergency Planning Committee. The plan will be based on the Emergency Management for North Shore Schools manual.  Communication with parents would be dependent on the nature of the disaster.  Our emergency preparedness plan includes: identifying hazards and risks, reducing risks, preparing emergency response procedures, preparing student identification and release procedures, acquiring resources and training of students and staff.

In the event of local external hazards such as fallen power lines, street flooding, police pursuits and heavy snowfall, it may be necessary after consultation with the appropriate authorities, to delay dismissal of students.

If the holding period is extensive, a telephone network will be established to notify parents.  Staff will remain on duty in such instances to provide adequate supervision.

In the less likely event that the weather warrants a school closure, please do not phone the school; rather stay turned to local T.V. and/or radio stations which provide up-to-date information.

During the school year, students will practice evacuations (fire drills) and the “drop, cover, hold” procedure recommended in the event of an earthquake.

In the less likely event that the weather warrants a school closure, please do not phone the school; rather stay tuned to local T.V. and/or radio stations which provide up-to-date information.

Entering and Leaving the School
In an effort to minimize the congestion in the hallways we ask students to use the following entrances when entering and exiting the building.

Room Number                                                             Student Entry / Exit Point
118, 119, 121, 223  & 227                                             Use their own outside door
220, 221, 228, 229, 231& 232                                      Use the WEST entrance
107,108, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 213, 214 & Gym    Use the EAST entrance
General Office & Library                                               Use the MAIN entrance

Evaluation and Reporting of Student Progress
Provincial regulations for the reporting of student progress require that parents be provided with three formal written report cards each year.

Reports for students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 must include a structured written report that clearly describes, in relation to the expected learning outcomes set out in the curriculum:
a) what the student is able to do
b) areas in which the student requires further attention or development
c) ways of supporting the student in his or her learning.

It must provide comments (written on the report card or communicated orally to the parents) about student progress with reference to the expected development for students a similar age. It must include written comments to describe student behaviour, including information on social responsibility, attitudes, work habits and effort.

Reports for students in Grades 4 to 7 must include a structured written report that clearly describes, in relation to the expected learning outcomes set out in the curriculum:
a) what the student is able to do
b) areas in which the student requires further attention or development
c) ways of supporting the student in his or her learning.

It must communicate letter grades to indicate the student’s level of performance as it relates to the expected learning outcome for each subject and grade. It must include written comments to describe student behaviour, including information on social responsibility, attitudes, work habits and effort.  

Assessment and reporting methods for students with special needs may differ, and this will be reflected in an Individual Education Plan.

Notes, telephone calls and visits throughout the year supplement the official report cards and conferences.

Extra Time in School
School hours may be extended beyond the regular dismissal time of 3:00 p.m.  Pupils may be kept for the completion of work or for behavioural infractions. Children are always granted the use of the phone to inform parents if they are being kept in after school.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
The "Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy" legislation came into effect for school districts in the fall of 1994. To ensure that we are complying with the legislation, a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy form must be completed for each student. The form will follow the student's career within this School District and may be used by the School District at any time unless it is withdrawn in writing.

It is generally recognized that some additional school work done outside of school hours is beneficial to students’ learning.

In general, primary students should do some reinforcement of classroom activities: e.g., reading, being read to, number facts, printing, spelling review, etc. for about 15 to 20 minutes daily.  Students may also be asked to complete tasks which should have been completed during the regular class time.

Intermediate students are generally assigned specific activities in support of the classroom program for about 30 to 60 minutes daily.  They also may be required to complete an activity not completed during the regular day.  Homework or home study is the student’s responsibility and parent involvement should be limited.

We expect students to purchase and use a Student Planner or Agenda Book to assist them with time management and study skills.  These are available for purchase through the school.

Hours of Operation
The office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Parents may also contact the office by calling the regular phone number 604-903-3380 before or after hours and leave a detailed message. The school day for students (Grades 1 – 7) begins at 8:55 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Morning kindergarten classes begin at 8:55 a.m. and end at 11:15 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten classes begin at 12:40 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m.

Bell Schedule
8:43 a.m. warning bell sounds, students may come into the building
8:48 a.m. the school day begins, students arriving after 8:55 a.m. will need to get a late slip from the office
10:25 a.m. recess
10:45 a.m.  end of Recess
12:05 p.m.  lunch break
12:55 p.m.  warning bell rings
1:00 p.m.    classes begin
3:00 p.m.    dismissal

Please note that there is no supervision of students before or after school hours.

Illness While at School
Should your child become ill at school the following procedure will apply, depending on the degree and nature of the illness:
  • ​the student will be sent to the school office
  • a member of the school office staff will then contact the parent or guardian to arrange pick up for the child or to ask for further instructions, should the illness warrant it.
Students should not be sent to school when they are ill. Four important issues to consider as you try to determine if your child is too ill to attend school:
  • ​the protection of other children.
  • the protection of your child (their recovery could be delayed; also they are more likely to acquire other illnesses, as their resistance is reduced).
  • the ability of your child to function at school.
  • the inability of the school to look after your child.

Leaving School Early
If a student must leave school early it is important that the school office is aware of this.  The procedure for early dismissal is as follows: student presents a parent note to the teacher; the teacher completes an “Early Leaving Form”; the student presents the form to the office as they leave, note sign-out book.  Parents need to come to the office to pick up their child.

Lost and Found
Please make sure that all items of clothing and personal property that your child brings to school are clearly marked with their first and last name.

The Lost and Found Box located in the main foyer on the lower floor becomes the resting place for most items of clothing and other misplaced articles.  Valuables that have been turned in are kept in the office, and may be claimed from the school secretary.

The contents of the Lost and Found are displayed in the lower hall several times a year for parents and students.  All unclaimed items are forwarded to a local charity.

Lunch at School
Eating lunch at school is a privilege and as such we expect our students to display behaviour consistent with the Carisbrooke Code of Conduct. Students may go to their own homes for lunch if an adult is there and expects them. Students who bring a lunch to school are expected to remain at school for the lunch hour unless the office has been notified otherwise, in writing.

Students will:
  • ​remain inside eating lunch in their own classroom until at least 12:10 p.m.
  • go outside by 12: 25p.m.
  • use garbage cans outside for waste and wrappers if taking food outside.
  • once outside, remain outside with all necessary clothing and/or equipment. 
An indoor day may be announced at lunch time when the weather is particularly wet and/or inclement.  An Indoor Day means that students may choose to remain in their classroom over lunch hour, engaged in a quiet activity, or they may choose to dress appropriately and go outside as usual.  The decision to call the Indoor Day will rest with the Principal, Vice-Principal or supervisory staff.

Teachers may have a classroom indoor day at their own discretion if they remain with their class.
Students found in a classroom without teacher supervision will be asked to leave.

School personnel are not permitted to give any medication to students unless a “Request to Administer Medication” form has been completed by the parents and the physician.

Parents requiring these forms should contact the school.

Out of Bounds
Students are expected to stay within the school boundaries while at school. Out of bounds areas for play are the parking lot, the area outside the chain link fence. The ‘Outdoor Classroom’ located in the forested area to the east of the school is considered to be out of bounds. Students will only use the ‘Outdoor Classroom’ when supervised by a staff member.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are scheduled in conjunction with the three traditional reporting periods in November, March and June. Conferences provide additional information about accomplishments, attitudes, interests, learning needs, future learning goals and plans for support. Since the first reporting conference is especially important in establishing and maintaining the rapport needed between parents and teacher, a conference is planned for every parent.  Teachers and/or parents may request conferences during the second and third reporting sessions. Students are sometimes included in these conferences.  Individual teachers may schedule conferences in September, as well, to provide you with an opportunity to share information which will contribute to your son’s/daughter’s new placement.

Placement of Students
The classroom placement of each child will be carefully discussed by a team which includes the child’s current teacher, any other teachers who have been involved in the child’s learning, and the principal.  

The following criteria are used to make class placement decisions:
  1. ​Workable instructional groups considering:
    • the child’s academic needs and strengths, teaching and learning styles, the child’s work habits 
  2. Positive social groups considering:
    • placements where a child can work positively and productively with the teacher and with other children in the class
  3. Other information considering:
    • School Based Resource Team recommendations, the past history of the student in combined or single grade classes, student information that a parent wishes to offer.
Parents are given an opportunity to be involved in this process by providing information about their child that would assist us in making class assignments.  We ask that you do not make specific teacher requests.  Rather, considering our placement criteria, please provide specific information about your child that will help us in establishing classes for the next year.  This specific information should be put in writing and submitted to the Principal by the middle of June.

In planning and making class placements, our goal is to meet the needs of each student and to maximize the growth of all learners, within the limits determined by our school organization.

Registration of Students
All new student registrations are done at the Educational Services Center (2121 Lonsdale Ave). The following documentation is required when registering: child’s birth certificate, hydro bill with address or rental/purchase agreement, immunization records and school records. If your child was not born in Canada you must bring his/her passport and immigration papers. Registration for new kindergarten students usually begins the second week of January.

The location of the student’s place of residence will determine their catchment area school. The Board document called School Attendance (Catchment) Areas will provide a reference to parents and staff for identification of the school to which a new student should first apply for admission. For a more detailed description of registration procedures check the School District’s Policy 605  Admission of Students to School. Copies of this policy are available on the school district’s web site,

School Photographs
Each year in the early fall, individual portraits of students are taken.  Parents are then provided with the opportunity to purchase prints of various sizes.

In addition, class and group photos and a school panorama photo are taken in the spring.

Photos of student and school activities are common at Carisbrooke and are often displayed in classrooms and throughout the school. 

Scooters, Skateboards, Bikes and Rollerblades
For safety reasons, scooters, skateboards, bikes and rollerblades are not permitted to be used in the school or on the school grounds between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. All bikes must be locked in the bike rack during the day.  Shoes with wheels are not permitted to be worn as inside shoes.  

Smoke Free Space
On March 29th, 2007 the legislation passed Bill 10 banning tobacco and smoking in public places and schools.  Smoking and any other tobacco use on any school property is prohibited.

Student Fees
Fees may be charged to recover some or all of the costs related to enriched or additional learning opportunities. In all cases, fees are kept to a minimum. As has been the case in the past, no student will be excluded from an activity due to financial hardship. School District Policy 706 School Fees requires that schools publish their student fees before the beginning of the new year. The Superintendent of Schools reviews annually the schedule of school fees for all schools and provides this schedule to Trustees for their information.

Supervision of Students
It is our intention to provide a safe environment for the students during the school day.  Supervision aides are on duty every recess and lunch hour.  Please note there is no formal supervision of students on the playground before 8:55 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m.

Before School
Students may enter the school building prior to 8:30 a.m. if:
  • ​they are attending a practice
  • they are coming into school to receive extra help from a teacher, or they will be under direct supervision of a staff member for some other purpose
After 8:30 a.m. students:
  • ​​will remain outside until the bell goes at 8:50am.
  • may have access to the washrooms downstairs, if needed, prior to the morning bell (entering through the main entrance).
  • may enter the library when the teacher/librarian is there to supervise
  • Going to their classroom to deposit backpacks, lunches or other materials is not an excuse for students to enter the building after 8:30 a.m.
During recess students will:
  • ​go outside (there are no inside days for recess time)
  • use garbage cans outside for waste and wrappers if taking food outside
  • ​Students may go to their own homes for lunch if an adult is there and expects them. Students who bring a lunch to school are expected to remain at school for the lunch hour unless the office has been notified otherwise. See Lunch at School section on page 12 for more details.
After School
Students are encouraged to leave the school grounds after they are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. unless they are involved in a supervised activity. No formal supervision is provided after school. All students should report home after they are dismissed so their parents are aware of their whereabouts.
Textbooks and Student Supplies
Students are supplied with textbooks for each of the curriculum areas.  It is expected that students will respect and take care of the textbooks while they are in their care. The school requests that  payment be made for any lost or damaged textbooks. Each student is expected to supply the items identified in the basic list of materials for the grade. Supply lists are available from the office. As a service, the school offers School Supply Kits for sale each spring. It is also expected that students will need to replenish certain supplies during the year. All personal belongings and supplies should be clearly labeled with the student’s name.

Traffic and Parking
The yellow curb marks a NO STOPPING zone in front of the school.  This zone, when unobstructed by cars, provides students wishing to cross the intersection at the crosswalks a clear view of approaching traffic.  When picking up or dropping off your child please be sure to keep the yellow curb area clear.

With the exception of service vehicles, automobile access to the school ground is restricted. If you have equipment or materials you wish to drop off at the school, please make arrangements with the office staff for the gate to be opened.

Do not drive into the staff parking lot between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 drop off or pick up your child.  The children are taught the parking lot is off limits to them during these times. It can be very dangerous for them to walk through the parking lot.

The Carisbrooke Parent Advisory Council and the Carisbrooke School staff support the Way To Go school program. This program fosters safer, healthier travel alternatives for children attending elementary schools. The goal of the program is to enable more children to walk or bike to school with their family, friends and neighbours. If children will be walking or biking, parents should know the conditions of the route their children take to and from school.  The best way to know this is to walk it.  Parents of primary youngsters are strongly urged to do this every August or September, paying particular attention to crossings.  

Students are expected to cross the street at the crosswalk where Student Safety Patrollers regulate pedestrian and vehicle traffic.  Please support and respect our Patrollers.

Use of School Telephone
Demands on the use of the school telephone are high.  For this reason, student use of the school office telephone is restricted to essential use.  We instruct students to go home after school before beginning their social activities.  The phone is always available for students to use in an emergency. Parents may make responsible use of the telephone at any time.

Student cell phones are permitted at school only with written parental permission.  They are expected to be turned off during the school day.

Valuables at School
On occasion, students may decide to bring toys and other items to school that are not essential to their studies. Although this may provide some pleasure during the recess break, the practice is strongly discouraged.  The school is not responsible for these items if they are lost or damaged.

Students should not bring money or other valuables (expensive jewellery, walkmans, cell phones, electronic games, etc.) to school.  If this should be necessary for any reason, the teacher should be informed to assist with the safekeeping of the item.

Weapons at School
When a staff member reasonably believes that a student on or near the school is in possession of a weapon or has used a weapon, the school administrator, or, where appropriate, a staff member shall ensure that:
  • ​reasonable attempts are made to minimize risk of injury to any other person
  • the police are notified 
  • the weapon is confiscated and turned over to the police 
  • the parent/guardian is contacted as appropriate 
  • a "Serious Incident Report" is filed with the School District
In addition:
  • ​the offending student shall be subject to suspension
  • further suspension may be necessary to enable appropriate legal and/or medical investigations to be completed 
  • "Toy guns" and "replicas" are by their very nature intimidating, and, therefore, are not allowed on school premises. Intimidation with a toy gun or replica of a real gun will be treated as a serious matter.