The School Act makes children responsible to school authorities from the time they leave home
until the time they return to their home. This means that children need to go directly home after school for safety reasons. Any person(s) interfering with others on the way to and from school must answer to the school. We expect our school code to be in effect on the way to and from school. If your child encounters problems on their way to or from school,
please contact the school office immediately.
Supervision of the school’s playground is limited to recess and lunch times. There is no
supervision before and after school. Students should arrive at school a few minutes before
the morning bell and leave the school grounds shortly after dismissal. The school will open at
8:30 am. There is no access to classes prior to school opening.
The crossing guard at the corner of Larson and Bewick is on duty from: 8:00 – 9:00 am /
12:00 – 1:00 pm / 2:45 -3:30 pm