Traffic Safety PP.pdf
Why do we take traffic safety so seriously? The main reason is that we want all staff, students, community members, and especially our kids safe. The basic definition of traffic safety is:
Following the by-laws and posted signage;
Following the legal "rules of the road;" and
Being mindful of your surroundings.
There is no parking, dropping off or picking up of students in the two staff parking lots.
We are working with NVSD By-laws, RCMP, and Safe Schools Routes Advocates and stepping up enforcement to provide a safer school during drop-off and pick-up times. We appreciate the majority of parents who show care and respect for traffic safety to make sure that all members of the Ecole Sherwood Park Elementary are safe. We all have a part in keeping each other safe. Let us work together and build a safer community for all.
Please pass this important information to those family members or friends who drop-off and pick-up your child(ren).