École Boundary Elementary
North Vancouver School District

To provide a safe, caring, positive environment in which all learners are challenged to their full potential socially, academically and physically.


Caring for Self and Others
Caring for Learning
Caring for the Environment


Goal 1: To develop in students the knowledge skills, and understandings to enable them to be socially, emotionally, and physically healthy

Goal 2: To develop in students the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to approach and complete tasks and routine, even in the face of change

Goal 3: To develop oral language and reading skills that enable students and families to experience joy, learning, and creativity through language and story

Most Current Week At A Glance

WAG 2024.03.04.pdf

2024-2025 Bell Schedule​​

8:50 amEntry Bell
8:53 amInstruction Begins
10:20 – 10:40amRecess
12:00 – 12:20 pmStudents eat
12:20 pmStudents go outside to play
12:47 pmWarning Bell
12:52 pmInstruction Resumes
3:00 pmDismissal​

  • School Based Non-Instructional Day (students do not attend)
    01 Nov 2024
    All Day
    School Based Non-Instructional Day (students do not attend)
    Nov 01, 2024
    All Day
  • Christmas
    25 Dec 2024
    All Day
    Dec 25, 2024
    All Day
  • Boxing Day
    26 Dec 2024
    All Day
    Boxing Day
    Dec 26, 2024
    All Day
  • New Year's Day
    01 Jan 2025
    All Day
    New Year's Day
    Jan 01, 2025
    All Day
  • Valentine's Day
    14 Feb 2025
    All Day
    Valentine's Day
    Feb 14, 2025
    All Day
  • April Fool's Day
    01 Apr 2025
    All Day
    April Fool's Day
    Apr 01, 2025
    All Day
  • B.C. Day (statutory holiday)
    05 Aug 2024
    All Day
    B.C. Day (statutory holiday)
    Aug 05, 2024
    All Day
    District Calendar

    B.C. Day was first introduced in 1974 as the British Columbia Day Act with the idea of recognizing the pioneers that helped build the province. B.C. Day is observed annually on the first Monday of August and is a statutory holiday in B.C.


  • Labour Day (statutory holiday)
    02 Sep 2024
    All Day
    Labour Day (statutory holiday)
    Sep 02, 2024
    All Day
    District Calendar

    Labour Day is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of the labour movement and the benefits of having a union at work. It is observed annually on the first Monday of September and is a statutory holiday in British Columbia.


  • First day of school
    03 Sep 2024
    All Day
    First day of school
    Sep 03, 2024
    All Day
    District Calendar

    The first day of school is the Tuesday following Labour Day. This is a shortened school day. Please confirm the hours students attend with your child’s school.

  • Firefighters' National Memorial Day (half-mast)
    08 Sep 2024
    All Day
    Firefighters' National Memorial Day (half-mast)
    Sep 08, 2024
    All Day
    District Calendar
  • Staff Collaboration Day (shortened day for students)
    25 Sep 2024
    All Day
    Staff Collaboration Day (shortened day for students)
    Sep 25, 2024
    All Day
    District Calendar