Capilano Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Frequently Asked Questions

​​​​What is Capilano's Bell Schedule?

School Hours

​Entry Bell​
10:30 - 10:50 
12:10 - 1:00 *Wed at 12:53
Play first, then Eat
*Wed at 2:25pm

How can I safely drop off and pick up my child?

Parking and Pick-Up/Drop Off Procedures

To ensure safety of our students and to decrease congestion in front of the school we request parents make effective use the "drop zone".  The "drop zone" extends along 20th St. from the staff parking lot to the lower playground area, in front of the school. Please use this area efficiently in the process of dropping off and picking up your children - which, according to the bylaw, means parking only while actively and visibly engaged in loading or unloading of passengers.

To best access this drop/pick-up zone, PLEASE circle the school so you are driving WEST on 20th street so you are able to drop-off/ pick-up your child(ren) safely on the sidewalk. 

Best option: Park a block or two away and walk to/from the school with your child - a good form of exercise to start and end the day!

What do I do if my child will be absent?

Communication Regarding School Absence

Children must stay on the school grounds from the time they arrive at school until dismissal after school.

If your child will routinely be going home for lunch with a parent/guardian, please connect with your teacher and the office team. 

We do not allow students to leave school grounds during the day for any reason (aside from teacher-arranged field trips) unless we have received prior written notification or written consent from a parent that includes:

  • The reason the child is needing to leave school/be away from school
  • The date(s) and time(s) the student will be absent
  • The name of the adult that is responsible for picking them up and returning them to school (if returning the same day)

Please have your child provide this information to the classroom teacher so the teacher can have your child prepared for pick-up.  Please report to the office to pick up your child/children if they are leaving at any time during the school day.  Either your child/children will already be waiting for you at the office, or one of the office staff will call the teacher to have the child sent to the office.  We request that this practice be adhered to for safety and security reasons and to minimize disruption to classroom instruction and learning. 

  • Students who arrive late must sign in at the office before going to their classroom
  • Students who need to leave during school hours (between 8:50 and 3:00) and must sign out at the office and sign back in if they return later the same day

If you know your child will be late or absent please call the school (604-903-3370 - 24 hours). When you call please state your child’s name, their teacher’s name or division, and a brief explanation for their absence. 

Attendance is taken in classrooms at 8:55 and 1:00 each day.  If a child is not in class when attendance is taken, and we do not have prior notification of their absence, we will proceed as follows (in this order):   

1. Check the sign-in list to see if the child arrived late and confirm absence with the teacher

2.  Attempt to contact parent through home, cell, or business number

3. Call emergency numbers that have been provided

4. Failing to reach these contacts, we will notify the police

Please ensure that you have provided our office staff with up-to-date telephone numbers for your home, cell/work, and names and numbers of emergency contacts. 

What should I do in the event of an emergency?

Emergency Preparedness
Capilano School has a number of procedures in place to handle emergencies from minor to major emergency situations.  These procedures are continually updated and protocols have been developed for critical incidence interventions.  All staff members are conversant with these protocols.  In the event of a major emergency the school is prepared to care for your child if you are unable to reach the school.
If there ever is a major emergency we ask for your help in the following ways:
  • Please do not telephone the school.  The lines must be open for emergency calls.
  • Please walk to school and do not drive.  The school access routes and entrances must be clear for emergency vehicles.
  • A student will ONLY be dismissed if a parent/guardian or contact person previously identified by a parent comes to pick up the child.  The parent or designated guardian must report to the office or Command Centre to sign out the child.  The teacher does not release students.
  • Turn on your radio for instructions and news reports.
  • Prepare at home.  Make your children aware of safety issues and what to do in the event of an emergency.  Have emergency kits in your home and vehicle. 
Information on earthquakes and first aid is available in the white pages of the telephone book or through the North and West Vancouver Emergency Office.