The assignment of students to classes is given careful consideration by a team, which includes the child's current teacher, educational specialist support teachers (such as English Language Learning, Learning Assistance and Speech Therapist), counsellors, and administrators. Our team will consider parental/guardian input regarding their child's specific learning needs. It is important that students learn to work and socialize in environments of diversity. Please understand that with the complexity of class building, each request implies limitations in decision making for your child's placement. Please be assured that the same care and consideration will be given to the placement of each child whether or not the form is completed.
Information describing learning style and/or emotional and social needs can be submitted to Mr. MacLeod no later than May 29th, 2024. Please complete the Placement Form ONLY if you have information that the current teacher and/or principal do not have and should consider when placing your child when placing your child for the 2024-2025 school year. An accompanying letter is not necessary and will not be accepted.
At this stage in our planning, we anticipate a Kindergarten - Grade 7 enrolment of over 475 students. With this number of students, Upper Lynn is essentially full. Based on this projected number of students, we will receive our staffing entitlement. Once we have this information, the following decisions can be made:
- the number of divisions at each grade level
- the number of students in each class
- where the classes will be combined (4/5, 6/7, etc.)
- the amount of time provided to other disciplines in the school (such as Music, Library, Learning Support)
- what grade levels teachers will register
Student Placement:
Once an organization has been decided upon, the process of assigning students to classes begins. Our class placement process ensures that thoughtful consideration of each child's social, emotional, and academic needs is aligned with the need to create balanced and effective learning environments. The assignment of students to classes is decided by a team. This professional team considers each placement carefully as they create classes that include a variety of students who learn in a variety of ways. The criteria, as listed below, act as a guide for consideration and discussion and are not intended to be inclusive or exclusive of any other. The criteria stated are not prioritized. In addition to individual circumstances, criteria in the placement process may include:
Workable instructional groups:
- children's academic needs and strengths
- teaching and learning styles
- children's work habits
Positive social groups:
- placements where a child can work positively and productively with other children in the class
- peer support or conflicts
- establishing the presence of positive leaders in each class
- ratio of grades in combined classes
Balanced classes:
- students with special and diverse learning needs
- students who are English Language Learners
- academic, social, and emotional needs and abilities
- leadership abilities
- gender
Other information:
- school-based resource team recommendations
Please consider the placement criteria referenced above when describing your child's needs. Please also describe a learning environment that may suit your child's learning style/needs (academic, social, emotional). If you are requesting placements that involve other students (one or two at most), please think carefully before making your request and provide an explanation for that request. Please focus on the needs of your child. The information that you provide will be given to the aforementioned team of professionals and will be used along with the criteria listed above in the placement of your child.
Please note that it may not be possible to meet all requests. Teacher assignments are tentative and subject to change, along with enrolment and school organization changes. Also note, that referring to specific teachers is not part of the criteria. Our goal is to meet the needs of all students at Upper Lynn in order to maximize their growth as learners. Forming balanced classes is in the best interest of ensuring optimal learning for all students. Since we are involved in a consultative process (consisting of many hours) to facilitate the placement of students, we do not anticipate making changes to class placements once they are set. Please do not approach individual teachers regarding student placements in September. Like all new relationships, it can take time for students to learn to trust and demonstrate growth with their new teacher and in their new setting. The vast majority of children adjust very quickly to their new classroom with the help of your encouragement and support. We appreciate your support in this complex, multi-level process in arranging educationally sound and balanced classes.
Our school organization is dependent on enrolment numbers. If you are leaving Upper Lynn, and your children will not be registered for school in September 2024, please inform the office as soon as possible so that we can maintain accurate enrolment numbers.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership!
Tim MacLeod
2024-2025 ULE Parent Input Information.pdf
2024-2025 ULE Parent Input Form.pdf