École Boundary Elementary
North Vancouver School District
News Item

Ice Cream Social - Celebrate Summer!

September 13, 2016

RC-NEWS-KIWIS-COOLING-DOWN-WITH-ICE-CREAM-DELIVERIES-0218.jpgOn Thursday, June 21st, we are holding a last-minute Ice Cream Social fundraiser to celebrate the start of summer and the end of the school year! All proceeds raised will go to help support a Boundary family, the Reedman's. Morgan (Grade 4), Ollie (Grade 1) and their dad (Nigel) lost their home and everything inside it last Sunday night at the Mountain Village Apartment fire. We would like to help them start to rebuild.

Date:  Thursday June 21st

Time:  6:30pm to 7:30pm

Where:  Multi-Purpose Room at the school

Cost: By donation (minimum $1) per scoop of ice cream (including toppings!)

Bring:  Your own bowls and spoons

Weather:  Sunny!

If you are able to take a 20-minute shift to scoop ice-cream please email claireferrier@gmail.com