École Braemar Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Social-Emotional Resources

lg_SE_Resource.jpgSocial-emotional learning (SEL) is critical in today's society. It allows us to grow our interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, and make deeper connections with self and others. These skills are important to the well-being and success of all children as they grow into adulthood.

At Braemar, we believe education to be a partnership between home and school. We teach our students about SEL on a daily basis during teachable moments, through morning announcements, in classrooms, and bringing in community speakers.

We also know that school is not the only important educational institution that children have; home is extremely integral in educating our kids. Therefore, we have created this resource page to provide our parents with important and interesting resources that may help provide more insight into SEL. Please continue checking back to this website as we will continually add articles, research-based documents, and other resources on a variety of SEL topics throughout the school year.

The ideas and opinions presented in these resources are not necessarily those held by Braemar staff members. They are only meant to offer information on important SEL topics and issues.




1. Friendships - This article provides parents with information about friendship challenges, and provides strategies that parents can implement in order to promote positive friendships. This article specifically discusses friendship challenges between girls; however, the information and strategies included are also applicable to all friendships. Click the link to read the article. http://smceducationblog.tumblr.com/post/150629869120/girls-and-their-frenemies


2. Anxiety - Many students experience anxiety, and this is completely normal; however, anxiety becomes a problem when it interferes with a child's daily routines (eg. sleep, schoolwork, etc.).   The article, Anxious Children, provides parents with some useful tips on how to help their child manage anxiety.


3. Separation/Divorce - Many families look for appropriate ways to talk to their children about changes in their family. This list, Books on Sepration and Divorce.pdf,  provides parents with stories that can be shared with their children to help them understand separation and divorce, and provide comfort to their children as they navigate the changes that occur as a result.


4. Children emotionally unavailable for learning - The following article discusses five possible reasons why "today's children come to school emotionally unavailable for learning, and there are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this." This article further outlines how parents "can make a difference in their child's life by training their child's brain so that their child will successfully function on social, emotional, and academic levels."

5. ADHD Myths and Facts - The following blog discusses myths and facts about ADHD. Written by Dr. Sharon Selby, a registered clinical counselor, she discusses ADHD Myths and Facts (and the current trend of ADHD “study drugs”). Please click the following link for more information.



6. Talking About Failure -The article Talking About Failure provides thought provoking ideas about how parents' reactions to their children's "failures" impact their children's motivation to persevere when faced with challenges.  This article encourages parents to be cautious when providing messages to their children regarding their "failures" since their reactions and messages can have a powerful impact.

7. Teacher to Parents: About THAT Kid (the one who hits, disrupts and influences YOUR kid) - This open letter written by Amy Murray, Director of Early Childhood Education at the Calgary French and International School, is directed to parents and was posted in the Washington Post on November 14, 2014. It provides an insight into THAT kid, the one other kids go home and talk about, the one who is violent, curses and gets angry in class, the one who parents worry will hurt, disrupt and perhaps influence their own children.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2014/11/14/teacher-to-parents-about-that-kid-the-one-who-hits-disrupts-and-influences-your-kid/?utm_term=.62d40f1fa3b8


8. Slow Processing Speed and Anxiety: What You Need to Know - "Most kids with learning and attention issues face situations that make them feel anxious. Often, these situations involve their weakness. For a child with dyslexia, it might be reading out loud in class. For a child with dysgraphia, it might be writing a book report." Please click the link to continue reading. https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/child-learning-disabilities/information-processing-issues/slow-processing-speed-and-anxiety-what-you-need-to-know?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=understoodorg


9. Setting Limits with a Strong-willed Child - "If you think back to a favourite teacher or a favourite coach that you had…  Do you remember how you wanted to please that teacher and do well in that class or on that team?   This is our natural instinct when we feel connected to someone. Sometimes a hug can be enough to reconnect and create cooperation.  However, sometimes we need other strategies to side-step power struggles…" For the entire article, please click the link below. http://www.sharonselby.com/discipline/setting-limits-with-a-strong-willed-child?utm_campaign=setting-limits-with-a-strong-willed-child&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitter&v=4326ce96e26c


10. How Do I Get My Child to Go to School? -  "If it seems everything at school is okay, then it's important to still try and figure out what could be causing the anxiety, but this may take some time. It could be that your child is…" (Sharon Selby)

For more information, please go to http://www.sharonselby.com/behaviour/how-do-i-get-my-child-to-go-to-school-or-__________?utm_campaign=how-do-i-get-my-child-to-go-to-school-or-__________&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitter&v=4326ce96e26c


11. Rude vs Mean vs Bullying: Defining the Differences - "It is important for me to begin this article by establishing that without doubt, many of the stories of bullying that are shared with me are horrifying and some are unspeakably cruel. But now, I also want to be honest and share that some of the stories are ... well... really not so bad." Please refer to the article Rude vs Mean vs Bullying.pdf.

12. Great Resource for Wellness - The Foundry has recently opened its North Vancouver location.  The Foundry is a "one stop shop" for youth and families to receive support.  They offer an integrated approach to physical and mental wellness.  They have now launched their website which offers valuable resources for youth and parents.  Check out all the amazing services and resources available at https://foundrybc.ca/northshore/