Blueridge Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Code of Conduct

North Vancouver School District

"The Board of School Trustees believes that all schools should be secure places for safe, purposeful learning."

The Board of School Trustees believes that appropriate student conduct, which is based on respect for oneself and for others, is essential to the development of responsible citizens. Student behaviour, dress and decorum shall be in accordance with generally accepted community standards and appropriate for the educational environment. Appropriate behaviour is a shared responsibility among the students, their parents and the school system.

 The Board of School Trustees expects students to:

  • attend school regularly;
  • observe school rules and codes of student conduct;
  • respect the rights of others and their property;
  • respect the health and safety of others;
  • respect the educational process and the learning environment of others;
  • conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to their school and community at all times; and,
  • act with due regard to the authority vested by the School Act and the Board in School District Employees. 

    The Board encourages initiatives in schools to reinforce these responsibilities. Further, the Board authorizes administrative officers, teachers and other appropriate personnel to discipline students when discipline is warranted. Each school shall, consistent with Board policy, establish written rules regulating student behavior and shall clearly communicate these rules and the consequence of unacceptable behavior to both students and their parents. School rules should give due consideration to the following:
  • fostering, appropriate to age, a sense of personal responsibility and self-discipline;
  • encouraging and promoting educational opportunities for students;
  • maintaining a positive and safe learning environment;
  • respecting the dignity of others, their rights and properties;
  • providing positive guidelines for student behavior; and,
  • fostering cooperation with other students in the achievement of their intellectual, social and career goals. 

     The Board of School Trustees forbids physical violence and verbal abuse; the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs, tobacco or alcohol; and the carrying or possession of weapons. (School Board Policy #301 - 302)

Blueridge Elementary School Statement of Purpose

 At Blueridge we believe that a safe school environment promotes social, emotional and intellectual development. To that end, we have developed a school code of conduct based on the principles of safety, respect, responsibility and cooperation. These principles are congruent with those of the elementary and secondary sites in the Windsor Family of Schools and meet both district and ministry guidelines.

 It is each student's responsibility to follow the Blueridge Code of Conduct while at school, travelling to and from school, and while attending school sanctioned curricular or extra-curricular activities, at any location. Similarly, in accordance with School District #44 Policy #302, students at Blueridge Elementary School are expected to meet the standards set out in the BC Human Rights Code that include the prohibited grounds of discrimination based on the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, or age of that person or that group or class of persons.  Anti-bullying measures will ensure all students , regardless of their sex, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, enjoy a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environment.

 The Code of Conduct and its related policy and procedures, aligns itself with the Framework for Social Responsibility published by the B.C. Ministry of Education which highlights four aspects to be developed:

  1. Contributing to the class and school community
  2. Solving problems in peaceful ways
  3. Valuing diversity and defending human rights (as set out in the B.C. Human Rights Code)
  4. Exercising democratic rights and responsibilities 

    Blueridge works in partnership with parents to ensure that a fair and consistent approach to student discipline is maintained. The Code of Conduct is taught, promoted and reviewed and is regularly revised to reflect current needs. Conduct expectations are communicated to all members of our community, visitors and volunteers. It is displayed publicly in our building, published on our school website and sent home at the beginning of each school year. It is expected that families review the Code with their children and that the child and parent sign the Blueridge Code of Conduct Contract, agreeing to abide by the expectations.

The Blueridge Code of Conduct is:

- Be Co-operative

- Be Accountable

R - Be Respectful

E - Be Empathetic

S - Be Safe

 Expectations for Behaviour

 Blueridge believes children want to be helpful, that positive behaviours can be learned and that teaching socially responsible behaviours require modeling, consistency and practice.  All students are expected to:

  • Help make the school a safe, caring and orderly environment for purposeful learning;
  • Conduct themselves in a manner that does not pose a threat to the physical safety or emotional well-being of others
  • Respect self, others and the school;
  • Be inclusive and value diversity; act in non discriminatory ways as set out in the B.C. Human Rights Code
  • Increase personal responsibility and self-discipline; balance individuals' rights with the rights of the Blueridge Community
  • Engage in purposeful learning activities and complete all school work to the best of their ability
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship
  • Only use personal technology devices such as ipods, cell phones etcโ€ฆoff school grounds and keep them off in their bags while on school grounds unless supervised by a staff member
  • Inform a 'tellable' adult, in a timely manner (in advance if possible), of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation;
  • Refrain from taking retribution against a person who has reported incidents;
  • Act in a manner that brings credit to the school whether students are on or off site 

     While we expect that some students will display behaviours that are not yet within the widely-held expectations for their age level, our mandate is to work with students so that they are eventually able to meet expectations.  

Students have the right to:

  • be safe at school
  • be treated with kindness and respect at school by students and adults
  • learn in a supportive, orderly environment

  • be include


Students have a responsibility to:

Be Cooperative

  • follow the school and classroom rules

  • be aware of and follow emergency procedures

Be Accountable

  • attend regularly and respect school hours
  • arrive at school prepared for the day
  • work to their potential
  • respect school property
  • respect their own property as well as others
  • leave valuables and inappropriate items at home
  • report incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation in a timely manner

 Be Respectful:

  • accept differences in others
  • demonstrate respect for themselves and others
  • use respectful language 
  • use respectful behaviour

 Show Empathy:

  • share and include others

  • accept differences in others

 Be Safe:

  • use whole body listening in all spaces
  • demonstrate respect for themselves and others
  • stay in school boundries


Student behaviour, and consequences, are always considered in the context in which it occurs. The age of the child, frequency of the behaviour, its seriousness or intensity, and the circumstances are taken into account. It is expected that students' sense of personal responsibility and self-discipline will increase as they become older and more mature. Special considerations may apply to students with special needs if these students are unable to comply with the Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. Students are involved in the development of meaningful consequences which, whenever possible, are fair, preventative and restorative.

Generally, misbehaviours fall into three categories:

Level One: Minor Misbehaviours

  • interfere with the learning of others
  • interfere with an orderly environment
  • create unsafe conditions

 Consequences: may include apology, practices of expected behaviours, time out, Code of Conduct discussion with an adult, community service

Level Two: Misbehaviours of Concern

  • bullying, harassment or intimidation
  • retribution against a person who has reported incidents
  • repeated level one behaviours

 Consequences: may include parent contact, reconciliation with injured party, some loss of recess and/or lunch privileges, or restriction from extra-curricular activities, substantive re-teaching, establishing a behaviour contract, or a form of restorative justice

 Level Three: Misbehaviours of Serious Concern

  • physical violence/threats of physical violence
  • possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
  • possession or use of weapons
  • theft of or damage to property

 Blueridge School's plan of Logical and Progressive Consequences may include, but not be limited to:

i. teacher involved in discussions/planning consequences;

ii. principal involved in discussions/planning consequences;

iii. removal of student from classroom/situation;

iv. in-school suspension;

v. the development of an action plan by the teacher and/or principal, and the student to identify and contract the appropriate behaviour; and/or,

vi. 1/2 to 5 day out of school suspension.

 All serious disciplinary situations will require:

i. restitution to be made if property is damaged;

ii. a record of the incident to be filed; and,

iii. contact with the parent or guardian.

 Further consequences may be required for continued infractions:

i. disciplinary meeting with parents and child;

ii. removal of privileges for a length of time; and/or,

iii. the continued suspension from school.

 The possession or use of a weapon or any item intended to be used as a weapon, with the intent to inflict injury upon or to intimidate another person on or near school property or at school events is considered to be a criminal act, as well as a serious infraction of the school rules and may lead to severe and immediate disciplinary action and/or criminal charges. (See School Board Policy # 301)


School personnel intervene daily to redirect, re-teach and manage the misbehaviours of children by reminding them of Blueridge School's Code of Conduct, following our intervention process and procedures, and working with parents to deal effectively with the student. In cases where serious or repeated breaches occur, school officials may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct, including:

  • parents of student offender(s) โ€“ in every instance;
  • parents of student victim(s) โ€“ in every instance;
  • school district officials โ€“ as required by school district policy;
  • police and/or other agencies โ€“ as required by law; and,
  • all parents โ€“ when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate actions to address it. 


    We ask that parents support their children in building social responsibility by:
  • teaching and re-teaching problem solving skills;
  • modeling socially appropriate ways of getting along;
  • helping their children find safe ways to express anger or frustration;
  • listening to children and responding to their needs and concerns in ways that develop social capacity;
  • helping their children understand the value of individual differences; and, 

    As well, we ask that parents support the home-school connection by:
  • contacting the teacher or administrator over concerns about the behaviour or safety of their child at school;
  • learning about the problem resolution process at the school; and,
  • using the language of the school's Code of Conduct at home and at school with their child.  

Personal Property

The personal safety of all students on the school grounds is a priority. Therefore, students may not bring any personal possessions to the school that might jeopardize their personal safety and the safety of others. Inappropriate clothing, valuables (e.g., expensive jewellery, money, electronic items, cell phones, etc.), music with inappropriate lyrics, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, toy weapons, slingshots and items which are intended to be used as a weapon (including pocket knives), are not permitted at the school. Any student who is found in possession of any of these items will have it confiscated immediately; items that are not weapons-related will be returned to the student at the end of the day to take home.

Any weapons or items intended to be used as weapons will be held until a meeting between the parent, student and the school administrator has taken place. In addition, the student may be suspended, police involvement may be required and an Incident Report filed with the School District (District Policy 302).

Dress Code

Students should be dressed appropriately for the elementary school workday. Shoes and clothing should allow students to move around the classroom and playground safely and with self-respect. Clothing should not be offensive to others by absence of coverage or appearance (slogans or pictures).

Physical activities are an integral part of the school day. Clothing should allow students to fully and safely take part in these activities both in class and during recess and lunch.

These fundamental obligations are intended to ensure that students learn in a safe environment free from threats to their physical and emotional welfare and that the time for teaching and learning is optimized. This Code of Conduct was developed in consultation with the school community and references the School Act (Sections 6, 10, 103, 191), the School Act Regulations and The District of North Vancouver's Policy on Student Conduct (Policies 301 and 302).