École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
School Plan

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Current School Plan

School Planning Process

The Argyle Secondary Mission statement for many years has read:

The primary role of Argyle Secondary School is to assist students in the ongoing process of becoming an educated person by providing a nurturing environment.

An educated person is thoughtful and capable of making independent and informed decisions. This individual is curious, interested in lifelong learning, respectful of others, capable of acquiring, evaluating, sharing, and communicating information and able to draw from a broad spectrum of knowledge. The individual is self-motivated, has a sense of self-worth, pursues excellence, strives to be physically healthy and derives satisfaction through achievement.

This person is a responsible citizen who respects others, accepts the importance of the family, community, nation, and the world, and is aware of Canada's cultural heritage. This individual has the skills necessary to function in and adapt to a changing world.


Pride in ourselves, our work and our school

Open-mindedness toward other individuals, cultures and ideas

Wisdom to choose the right path

Excellence as the goal for everything we try

Respect for self, others and the world around us

School planning is a collaborative process during which we will identify our strengths and focus on enhancing student learning and achievement.

Principles guiding our process:

  • A focus on engagement and learning
  • A culture of teamwork and collaboration
  • Respect for diversity
  • A strong sense of community and collective responsibility
  • Ongoing and relevant communication of student learning
  • Encouraging and developing an intrinsic motivation to learn, contribute, and participate

Engaging staff, students, and parents in meaningful conversation is essential in identifying our vision and values, and establishing our goals in continuing the journey towards enhancing and improving student learning.

Current data includes responses to the four questions received at the beginning of the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years, the District’s Employee Engagement Survey conducted during the 2016-17 school year, and student responses to the Ministry’s Student Learning Survey conducted during the 2017-18 school year.

The four questions staff were asked to respond to were:

  1. What do you like best about working at Argyle?
  2. What do you want to focus on in your job this year?
  3. What should we work together on?
  4. How can the Leadership Team (Administration and Teacher-leaders) support you?

Categories from the District's Employment Engagement Survey include:

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Job/Role Clarity
  • Encourage and Support
  • Training and Opportunities
  • Work Environment
  • Trust and Security

Grade 10 and Grade 12 students had the opportunity to respond to 75 questions on the Ministry's Student Learning Survey.

Opportunities to continue gathering additional information and feedback includes:

Students - Guided feedback forums, Grade 12 Exit Surveys, student leadership forums, student focus groups, Alumni feedback

Parents and Community - Parent and Community focus groups, PAC meetings, parent nights, surveys

Staff - "Open Mike", collegial work during Staff Meetings, Collaboration Time, Department Meetings, Lunch & Learn's, Curriculum Days, Professional Days

Potential Areas of Focus:

1. Engagement (Students, Staff, Parents, Community, FOS)

  • Belonging
  • Respect
  • Relationships
  • Collaboration

2. Culture of Learning

  • New Curriculum
  • Deeper Learning
  • Inclusion
  • Aboriginal Education
  • Innovation
  • Curiosity
  • Student Ownership of Learning

2018 - 2019 School Planning Process (PDF version)


School Goals

  1. To improve success rates of students through collaborative planning based on the 4 pillars of education and 3 core competencies of the new B.C. curriculum.
  2. To improve the relevance of study for students through connecting classroom, district and community initiatives.


Based on the review of student achievement using Provincial, District, and school evidence, the goals set out in the School Plan 2014-2015 for École Secondaire Argyle Secondary are:

Goal #1: To improve success rates in academic classes

1.1 Increase student awareness of the conventions of language, including sentence mechanics and spelling, and the effective use of structural elements such as style, flow, formatting and organization of writing as measured by the 2013/14 Grade 10 cohort report card grades in English and Social Studies courses (Humanities)

1.2 Increase student awareness and understanding of the application of numeracy skills as measured by success rates in Mathematics and Science classes from Grades 10 through 12


Goal #2: To improve the enrolment (involvement in) elective courses and extracurricular activities (including clubs and athletics)

2.1 To increase positive connections between secondary students and elementary students at all grade levels and between the secondary and elementary schools' staff and parents

2.2 To increase the number of extracurricular (athletics and clubs) opportunities for students as measured by the number of groups and student participants especially at Grades 8, 9, and 10.



Previous School Plans

Argyle School Plan 2013-2014