North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learnΒ©

What is School Cash Online?

Safe, fast, and convenient.

School Cash Online is a web-based solution that gives parents the ability to pay for student items online as well as to complete and turn in district and school forms. 

Parents can make payments, print, or view their receipts and their current account history all in real-time.  Parents can access school cash online at anytime.

Click on the School Cash Online logo below to access the site.


​Parent Help

Please see below for a tip sheet to help with the technical aspects of accessing the School Cash Online site. Note: this is a different login from the parent portal.

School Cash Online (SCO) - Tip Sheet

Instructions for Parents - 2018.06.07-2-1.jpg

Parent Benefits

  • Convenient - Make secure payments online, anywhere, and anytime
  • Easy to use - Fill your shopping cart and checkout
  • Saves time - No more standing in line at the school. Register in five minutes and pay online
  • Secure - The KEV Group website is protected and PCI compliant

Student Benefits

  • Increased communication - Automatic e-mail notifications
  • Increased convenience - No need to carry money to school
  • Go Green - Reduced need for traditional printed forms and information sheets.